So, I've been off for a while. I had wanted to make this a daily log. Looks like that isn't going to work. I'm going to try to make this an every other day thing instead.
So after much research, I've decided to try a plan called "The Flat Belly Diet". It is basically a 1600 calorie diet that focuses on eating mono-unsaturated fatty acids, one of the "good" fats, split between 4 meals a day. The calorie count is consistent for me to have a healthy weight loss according most of the various calculators and formulas out there. There is a "jumpstart" program which I opted to skip. I'm not sold on the "flat belly" marketing gimmick of this diet, but we'll see what happens.
I officially started on May 26th, with an initial weight of 217.2lbs.
My one week weigh in on June 2nd was 212.2. That's 5lbs in the first week. Can't complain to much there can I? The 9th will be next weigh in. I'm not figuring that 5lbs per week will continue, it wouldn't be healthy for it to.
The goals:
overall: Final weight between 150-160, whatever feels healthy in there
Initial goal: 200lbs by July 4th, that roughly 12 more from my last weigh in.
I'll keep this posted.
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